A message that’s bigger than I am: project and heart updates.
Hey there! It’s me again.
If you’ve been around for a while, you know I’ve loved writing for at least half my life. I love it! In the past I’ve blogged and freelanced, but I haven’t pursued writing whole heartedly. Looking back, I see what I needed was just to write, write, write to improve, even if Jesus was the only one reading. Although that season was absolutely necessary and I wish I had used it better, nowadays I have so much more purpose than practice alone!
The truth is, when I write for the fun or beauty of it, I don’t feel all that compelled to share. If it comes down to me believing that my words should be shared just because they are good, they won’t be going anywhere! But this is bigger than I am. There are messages and stories in my heart that MUST be told! I would feel as if I were holding a precious creature hostage or worse, disobeying my Father if I were to shrug and ignore them or shrink back out of self-consciousness or fear.
For this reason, I’ve poured much more effort into learning the publishing process, marketing and considering how else I can get these stories and studies into more hands. I once heard an author say she offered to speak at any church within 100 miles for free if she could just set up her little table and sell her book after she shared what was on her heart.
The drives may be long on MT, but I can’t complain about the scenery!
I’ve been talking to God about whether I should do something similar. (Although 100 miles wouldn’t get me far in Montana, we might have to revisit the radius size.) At one point my parents offered for me to “practice” on their church. I thought that was a great idea and said I’d pray about it. Well, about three seconds after I bowed my head it was as if the entire talk downloaded into my brain and onto my paper. So I figured that meant I should call them and take them up on their offer to be guinea pigs.
The project coming out next is my children’s book Heroes of Light. It’s written to reveal how kids (and grownups) get to be truly super in Christ Jesus. (And I got the first round of color illustrations so make sure you’re a subscriber to get a super exciting sneak-peek in your inbox.) So I loaded up on Wednesday and drove halfway across the state. I had such nice visit with some very gracious guinea pigs: the kids club at my parent’s church. We had such a blast!
Kids are the best people!
I’ll be honest; I was a little worried that I’d lose them or seem like a lame old lady to them. But as soon as kids came in the door, I remembered why I loved youth ministry so much! Kids are just the best people. I even only needed a few of the knock-knock jokes I had stuck in my notes in case of emergency.
I still need much wisdom regarding how to honor and serve my family and do “all this”. The writing, the marketing, the publishing all take up time. Should I add speaking into the mix?
Even typing that I’m tempted to feel some major imposter syndrome. Who am I to go talking to people? But then I’m reminded that I am just me. But I’m “me” who wants to empower people young and not-so-young to step into their identity as God’s child (and hero of light). I’m “me” who knows a God and a message that is bigger than I am. I want to humbly step forward as He calls, for His glory alone.
My own worthiness is nothing, but his worthiness is everything. Thank you for being here. Thank you especially when you click through and tell me you’re here in the comments or email me back. No superhero successfully fights alone for long. Thanks for being on my team!