When I can’t fit my thoughts in my regular newsletter, I come here to ramble, sometimes even eloquently. As a jack-of-all-trades type, the topics vary greatly. You’ll find stories behind my paintings, short stories and essays on anything from agriculture to intentional living to cultural issues. If you don’t like one post, maybe don’t give up until you’ve tasted a few.

Often, I’m mentally chewing on some big things and just want to send my thoughts out to the void, secretly hoping for some solidarity.

Always, I strive to filter these thoughts through a sieve built with love.

Thoughts, updates, stories…

With Love, Elli

Advent Week Three; Joy In The Not Yet

Advent Week Three; Joy In The Not Yet

In this darkest season of little daylight, Christmas bursts in with the light of generosity, hope and joy. Whether you’re a person of faith or not, this season challenges us to side with light on the darkest days of the year…If Christmas cheer is hard to muster, I encourage you to look for hope and light. Because it matters. The more of this human race that has joy in the middle of this disaster of the 21st century, the better for us all. We could slog through our Christian life without joy. But choosing not to press in and allow the Spirit to produce that fruit in us a victory for our enemy because it is to deny that Jesus already won the victory even though he has not yet removed his opposition and taken full possession of the land. He has won, is winning and will win the victory though. And he holds out the fruit of joy for us while we, his loyal servants, carry the news of his victory through these occupied lands.

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On FOMO and Curating

On FOMO and Curating

For me, though I need to use better discernment regarding how much time I spend hiking, gardening, painting, writing and marketing, the former (enjoying nature) fuels the latter. They all (except marketing, which I would happily delegate along with the cooking) feed my tank for loving my family and others that God brings along. I think it’s important to create sacred rhythms (habits with flexibility) that are continually restoring our should for beautiful things, both work and play.

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Advent Week 2; Peace & Place

Advent Week 2; Peace & Place

Although advent devotionals often assign week two the theme of peace, this idea stems from the traditional theme of Bethlehem or lighting the “Bethlehem candle” where peace on earth was declared. So in addition to discussing peace this week, I’d like to talk about place. We know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, the City of David, to poorish parents. Last week we discussed the culture he was born into and how the Roman-occupied Jews would have anticipated the coming of their King. But I want to peel back another layer for a moment. We’ll come back to the concept of visible place; let’s chat about the unseen realm.

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