So much pressure!
Hi, I’m Elli and I have a paper problem.
I don’t have the type of personality that gets easily addicted to things and I’m not much of a creature of habit. I don’t have to have a closet full of shoes or clothes and collections are a mess waiting to happen for me. But there is one thing that I have a really hard time resisting: paper products, mostly journals & notebooks but all kinds of stationary catch my eye.
The funny thing is, once I get a new notebook, I have the absolute hardest time using them at first. They have that new notebook smell and all of the pages are so fresh and crisp. Thee is SO MUCH PRESSURE when I put my pen to that first page. In fact (I’m not sure I’ve told ANYONE this before) I usually don’t write on the first page. Or two. (Hides head in hands.)
Beautiful ocean journals and fountain pens: things this writer drools over.
Now that I’ve started blogging again, I feel a little of the same pressure. Where do I go with this? What do I say? What if I write the wrongs things for my following and lose them all? Should I share my short stories? What about my poetry? Poetry isn’t what I’m best at, but I don’t care if they see it. Or do I just put my best foot forward? Then does that mean I should disconnect my art store? Pretty soon my gears are going to seize up.
Thankfully, I know you guys are cool. We’ll figure it out together. You’ll like some posts and ignore others and pretty soon we’ll get in a groove of good stuff. Cheers to beginnings, stacks of beautiful (unused) journals and getting though the first few posts. :)