Let’s Begin With Gratefulness

Número Uno: I’m grateful for you. If you’re here, it most likely means you’re a faithful friend or family member, possibly a social media follower. For some reason, maybe love or curiosity, you’ve ventured to my new website.

I used to have a website or three. Maybe you remember our farm blog. At the end of 2019, I shut it down. It was time to renew all of the costs to run it and I thought, “I’m not doing anything with my writing anyway, it’s not worth the money.”

And then God used several sweet friends to remind me that writing isn’t optional for me. (Gratefulness Item numéro deux) It’s a passion God gave me and I have a choice. I can hide it away and avoid all the risk or I can GROW. In the year since, I’ve been blessed with an opportunity to use my writing for a ministry full of gracious women. It has allowed me to make mistakes and realize it doesn’t kill me. It has taught me that the growing process isn’t something to be ashamed of. (<-Definitely still working on it.)


So it looks like I need another virtual home-base. As social media becomes less and less hospitable to anyone with any message besides the chosen one, now you’ll know where else you can find me. Subscribe below so I don’t disappear into the World Wide Web. (Also check junk if you don’t see a confirmation message. It happens a lot.)

You can be my gracious guinea pigs, my faithful friends and the first to hear about the exciting details already on the horizon. Those exciting things happen to be the third thing I’m grateful for, but I’ll have to save that for another day. Until next time-

With Love,



WIP Children’s Book